Digital technology provides schools with visionary teaching and learning opportunities. Current educational reforms worldwide strongly emphasize on teachers transforming into competent and proactive technology users. However, how do most students and teachers react toward this trend? This study focused on the nature of conflicting experiences faced by numerous veteran teachers in a well-received technology-innovative school. Thus, the discussion over teacher transition and technology uses should be broadened to include identity work issues. How do teachers face this new situation with each student having one laptop in the classroom? Some teachers who fully participated in this innovation were gradually alienated from the teaching process, prompting them to quit their jobs. Why so? Their quitting indicated, in a more profound way, the complex multiplicity of teacher transitions. Based on seven nonparticipating teachers' interviews, our findings indicated that these teachers felt the following five aspects unsatisfactory: digital platforms, school strategies, their experience of integrating into practice, their experience of being replaced, and school's utilization of students' digital performance on the front stage. Borrowing Wenger's communities of practice as a theoretical framework, this study further focused on the phenomenon of how members transform from full participation to full exclusion. Concepts such as "mutual engagement," "joint enterprise," and "shared repertoire" were useful in explaining teachers' identity confusion. Our analysis provided a nuanced account of teachers' difficulties in continuing their teaching jobs in technology-innovative schools.
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