


Effect of Flipped Classrooms on Self-Regulated Learning Preclass and In-Class in a Junior High School First Grade Mathematics Course




單淮康(Shan, Huai-Kang);楊肅健(Yang, Su-Jian);林秋斌(Lin, Chiu-Pin)


自律學習 ; 科技輔助學習 ; 課前 ; 翻轉教室 ; Self-regulated learning ; Technology enhanced learning ; Preclass ; Flipped classroom




122期(2020 / 04 / 30)


39 - 55






This study assessed the learning process of seventh graders and the effects of using flipped classrooms preclass and in-class as a quasiexperiment. The study involved three classes of junior high school students in Hsinchu. Two classes were chosen and divided into two groups: preclass (watching online lectures from home) and in-class (engaging in the online course from the classroom). The other class maintained a traditional learning environment as the control group. After the 7-week experiment in which students and teachers were interviewed, no significant differences on the effects of flipped classrooms appeared between the preclass and in-class groups. However, significant differences appeared between the preclass and in-class groups on improved learning attitude, a higher proportion of completion, and the effects of self-regulated learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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