Studies on the application of virtual reality (VR) technology in education have increased from 1990 to 2019 in the Scopus database, indicating that the integration of VR into education has become increasingly popular. However, VR instructional materials seem to lack consistent standards and quality assurance criteria. In this study, we collected and analyzed the VR textbooks published so far, developed the first draft, and then employed analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to identify all relevant indicators and present them in a simple hierarchical structure to obtain the overall context. Thereafter, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation and obtained the priority and weights of all levels, aspects, and indicators with specific values that were summed into 4 aspects, 8 dimensions, and 31 criteria items. Subsequently, the evaluation indicators and weight values that affected decision-making were identified. The sample population comprised nine experts with expertise in the development, design, and use of VR digital materials. The results revealed that with a total weight of 40.4%, instructional design was the most important aspect. The top five most important criteria items that can serve as necessary design principles for creating VR digital materials were as follows: the correctness of content topics, learning tasks that can familiarize learners with the learning objectives, learning tasks that can offer appropriate exploration opportunities, appropriately challenging learning tasks, and learners being able to effectively control the progress of learning tasks. The weight of each criteria item can be used as a reference for the developers of VR digital materials and as a guide for educators to implement VR digital materials in their instruction.
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