


Integration of Augmented Reality Technology Into Chinese Courses to Support Writing Activity




王怡萱(Wang, Yi-Hsuan)


寫作學習 ; 數位學習 ; 擴增實境 ; Writing ; E-learning ; Augmented reality




123期(2020 / 08 / 31)


59 - 75






This study was a multidisciplinary and multiphase research. The researcher invited Chinese instructors and e-learning course developers to collaborate in the research project and investigate how the integration of the learning technology of augmented reality (AR) into course designs facilitates students' Chinese writing ability. In the study, the researcher collected targeted learners' and teachers' opinions on the use of AR technology to facilitate Chinese learning. Subsequently, instructors were invited to test the pilot AR system. The study focused on Chinese writing instructional design, guided writing design, and multimedia design with AR and proposed a model for integrating two modes of AR into formal Chinese courses to facilitate teaching and learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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