


Development of Educational AI Technology for Improving Students' Learning Performance in the Introduction to Natural Science




蘇金豆(Su, King-Dow);蘇冠綸(Su, Guan-Lun)


人工智慧 ; 新興科技 ; 學習效能 ; 喜好程度 ; artificial intelligence ; emerging technology ; learning performance ; disposition




125期(2021 / 04 / 30)


55 - 70




本研究旨在設計新興科技人工智慧(artificial intelligence, AI)議題在生活中的社會應用,融入自然科學導論教學,並發展AI學習效能量表,試圖評量學生學習前後之成效及其學習態度差異。研究對象以選修本課程之200位學生作為研究樣品。本研究結果有四︰一、設計AI新興科技人臉辨識系統與自駕車實務議題之課程教材;二、發展具信效度之AI學習效能量表(Cronbach's α = .975);三、描述性統計分析發現,學生呈現正面積極的學習態度;四、學生對3C產品的喜好程度與修過AI基礎知識課程兩自變數,達顯著水準(p < .05),進一步Scheffé事後比較,發現自變數間呈顯著差異。


The purpose of this research was to apply artificial intelligence (AI) of emerging technology for the topics in social application of life. The topics would be integrated into nature science curriculum and developed effective assessment instrument to assess their learning performance and attitudes. A total of 200 undergraduate students who took this course as research samples. There are four findings including: 1. to apply AI with a system of face recognition and self-driving cars by thematic-based function; 2. to develop a questionnaire of learning performance with content validity and reliability (Cronbach's α = .975); 3. to reveal students' positive learning attitudes by descriptive statistical analyses after the AI course; 4. to find two significant factors (p < .05) of learning attitude after Scheffé post host, disposition for 3C products and taking AI basic knowledge.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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