


Study of Digital Storytelling App Design Based on Persona Studies and User Experience




黃瑜婷(Huang, Yu-Ting);范丙林(Fan, Ping-Lin);俞齊山(Yu, Chi-Shan)


介面設計 ; 幼兒園教師 ; 使用者經驗 ; 數位說故事 ; interface design ; kindergarten teacher ; user experience ; digital storytelling




125期(2021 / 04 / 30)


71 - 87




本研究探索幼兒園教師在說故事上的使用經驗,發展一款可應用於數位說故事的輔助軟體,其開發流程歷經三個階段:使用者經驗研究(user experience research, UXR)、使用者經驗設計(user experience design, UXD)、使用者測試階段(user experience test, UXT),並以人物誌深度訪談建立角色與軟體設計。研究對象為13位有說故事經驗的幼兒園教師,透過訪談與問卷調查評估介面的視覺、功能及操作易用性等,以符合幼兒園教師的需求與體驗。研究結果顯示,本應用軟體整體感受是有趣、好用的,操作簡單方便;教師認為數位方法說故事適合輔助教學穿插使用,作為教學內容可以增加互動性、更投入故事角色。另外,私立才藝教師較公立幼兒教師有正向回饋,教學經驗多年的教師較願意運用多元的說故事方法。


This study developed an application for digital storytelling to explore user experience in kindergarten teachers' storytelling. This study was divided into three stages: user experience research (UXR), user experience design (UXD), and a user experience test (UXT). With regard to persona, which is supported by characters, in-depth interviews were used to establish roles and design directions. The subjects of this study were 13 kindergarten teachers with storytelling experience who underwent interviews and completed questionnaire surveys to evaluate whether the interface's visual elements, functionality, and operation could satisfy the needs of kindergarten teachers. The study results showed that, overall, the software was perceived as fun, functional, and easy to operate. The participating teachers found digital storytelling to be suitable as an aid that added interactivity to the teaching content so that the teachers could be more invested in the characters of a story. The production time was related to the teachers' storytelling content and duration. In addition, art teachers in private schools gave more positive feedback than did kindergarten teachers in public schools. Teachers with more teaching experience were found to be more willing to employ diverse storytelling methods. Finally, this study provides design recommendations related to digital storytelling software as a reference for future product iterations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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