


Integration of LINE@ Into a Scouting Campus Reality Games Course on the Observation Ability of Seventh Graders




趙貞怡(Chao, Jen-Yi);陳玉琦(Chen, Yu-Chi)


社群媒體 ; 國中生 ; 童軍課程 ; 實境解謎遊戲 ; 觀察力 ; social media ; junior high school students ; scouting course ; reality games ; observation ability




128期(2022 / 04 / 30)


19 - 39






This study integrated LINE@ into the teaching scene of the scouting campus reality game, and explored its impact on the observation ability of seventh grade students in middle school. Through literature collection, the principles of game design were understood, and based on this, game design was carried out. A set of reality game "Campus Observer" suitable for the seventh grade of middle school was developed. After examination by experts, this study used this game for teaching activities, and used the "Observation Ability Self-Report Scale" and "Course Study Sheet" to understand the effectiveness of its learning. This study adopted the quasi-experimental research method, and the research participants were seventh-grade students in a middle school in Taipei City. Each class was divided into 5 teams with a total of 124 students, and the teaching time was 100 minutes. The students in the experimental group and the control group completed the "Observation Ability Self-Report Scale" and the "Course Study Sheet" pre-test before class, and then took the LINE@ scouting campus reality game teaching and traditional teaching respectively, and finally implemented the post-test and filled out the "Course Feedback Sheet." The research results showed that: 1. This research systematically designed the campus reality game through five stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation; 2. After the LINE@ scouting campus reality game course, the students' observation ability improved and reached a significant difference.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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