At the end of 2019, coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) transformed education worldwide. Several countries shifted from in-person classes to emergency remote teaching as a temporary solution. This study evaluates the training needs of emergency synchronous remote teaching for developing teacher training programs. We conducted questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews to gather data on the needs of junior high school teachers in emergency synchronous remote teaching training programs and teachers' opinions on remote teaching. In total, 255 junior high school teachers participated. We conducted our survey at 31 junior high schools that ran workshops for distance teaching or practiced emergency remote teaching. The interviewees were 7 teachers who had tried or simulated remote teaching. We found that 1. during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak, Taiwan did not have large-scale school closures until May 2021 due to pandemic measures, and only 15.5% of teachers practiced emergency remote teaching. However, after May 2021, Taiwan began nationwide school closures, which resulted in Taiwan's current practice of emergency remote teaching. Consequently, 88.3% of teachers now conduct emergency remote teaching. 2. Most teachers agreed to implement training program of emergency remote teaching. Moreover, the need to implement training for synchronous emergency remote teaching has increased considerably after schools closed. In fact, teachers were required to adapt fast to emergency synchronous remote teaching. 3. Teachers have strong need for learning emergency synchronous remote teaching skills. The result shows the greatest needs of the skills are assessing students' learning and presenting synchronous materials. In addition, the needs of maintaining students' motivation, interacting with students, designing course curriculums, and teaching through webcam are also above average. Based on the results of survey and interview, this study suggests a list of literacy and skills for teacher professional development. Two years after the COVID-19 outbreak, teaching methods have changed. This study serves as a professional development reference for teachers in secondary schools for emergency synchronous distance teaching.
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