


A Study of Social Supports to Adolescents in a Long-Term Residential Organization by University Student's One-to-One Online Synchronous Instruction




王思樺(Wang, Si-Hua);崔夢萍(Tsuei, Meng-Ping);呂慈涵(Lu, Tze-Han)


安置青少年 ; 社會支持 ; 線上一對一同步教學 ; adolescents in long-term residential organization ; social support ; one-to-one online synchronous instruction




130期(2022 / 12 / 31)


47 - 66






Adolescence is import for teenagers to develop their life. During this period, they become more independent. Adolescents in the long-term residential organization are vulnerable students. The social supports for adolescents in the long-term residential organization can facilitate their mental stability. University students provided the one-to-one online synchronous instruction is one of the way of the social support. This study aimed to explore the social supports during the university students implemented one-to-one online synchronous instructions for adolescents in a long-term residential organization. And, to explore the participants' perceptions about the one-to-one online synchronous instructions. The case study was adopted in the study. Two high school students a long-term residential organization and two university students were participated. This study analyzed the synchronous teaching videos, interviews data and diary for instructions. The results were as follows: First, in terms of social supports, the one-on-one online synchronous instruction by university students provided informational supports with subject knowledge and sharing of personal experience. Especially, they shared the personal experiences results in resonance of adolescents in long-term residential organization, and lets adolescent feel a sense of companionship and connection. In the emotional supports, the university students also provided the "affective support," "esteem support," and "network support." The university students can adjust their planning of online instructions according to the cases' learning needs through the interactions with them. Second, the interview results show that two cases of adolescents perceived the university students providing the emotional supports. These supports facilitated their confidence. They also expressed that they can felt the university students timely providing the social supports. Although, there was a different interaction types between two groups during the one-to-one online synchronous instructions. The possible factors may due to the learning motivations. The personalities, the instructional roles and the teaching experience may also influence the online interactions and effects of social supports in one-to-one online synchronous instructions. Some suggestions were generated for future study in the one-to-one online synchronous instructions for adolescents in the long-term residential organization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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