


Investigate the immediate effects of electrical stimulation on the takeoff phase of the standing long jump




陳朝福(Chao-Fu Chen);謝瀟瀟(Xiao-Xiao Xie);申星星(Xing-Xing Shen);何嬋(Chan He)


下肢肌力 ; 運動表現 ; 神經肌肉活化 ; 慣性捕捉 ; lower extremity strength ; motor performance ; neuromuscular activation ; inertial capture




26期(2023 / 11 / 01)


37 - 50




緒論:本研究探討神經肌肉電刺激對立定跳遠的影響。方法:招募大學體育教育專業的15名男性學生作為實驗研究對象,平均身高175.53± 4.98公分,體重66.87 ± 6.20公斤,年齡22.00 ± 1.46歲。本實驗利用慣性式動作捕捉系統進行測試,利用神經肌肉電刺激來啟動相關肌肉,並利用慣性式動作捕捉系統完成運動學參數之蒐集。受試者前測盡最大努力完成立定跳遠動作,間隔72小時候進行後測,後測前先經30分鐘的神經肌肉電刺激介入,再盡最大努力完成立定跳遠動作。以描述性統計計算平均數和標準差,再以Wilcoxon signed-rank test檢驗神經肌肉電刺激介入對立定跳遠動作各運動學參數差異,顯著水準定為α = .05。結果:立定跳遠後測平均為2.63公尺、前測平均為2.32公尺;在離地瞬間的大腿加速度、小腿加速度、腳掌加速度、髖關節角度、膝關節角度、踝關節角度、髖關節角速度、膝關節角速度、踝關節角速度與前測相比都呈現高顯著差異。結論:神經肌肉電刺激在人體運動的過程中,具有啟動肌肉興奮性的作用。下肢速度的提高和下肢肌肉力量也是密不可分的,人體的爆發力通常為速度和力量的乘積,因此,神經肌肉電刺激,可以提供一種新型的訓練方法,從而提高訓練興趣和訓練品質。


Introduction: This study investigated the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on standing long jump. Methods: Fifteen male students majoring in physical education at a normal university were recruited as participants in the experimental study. Their average height was 175.53 ± 4.98 cm, weight was 66.87 ± 6.20 kg, and age was 22.00 ± 1.46 years old. In this experiment, an inertial motion capture system was used for testing, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation was used to activate relevant muscles. And use the inertial motion capture system to complete the collection of kinematic parameters. Each participant tried their best to complete the standing long jump in the pre-test. In the post-test, they first received 30 minutes of neuromuscular electrical stimulation intervention, and then tried their best to complete the standing long jump (the interval between pre-test and post-test must be more than 72 hours). Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the mean and standard deviation, and then the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to test the differences in kinematic parameters of the oppositional long jump action involving neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The significance level was set at α = .05. Results: The average post-test of standing long jump is 2.63 meters, and the average pre-test is 2.32 meters; thigh acceleration, calf acceleration, sole acceleration, hip joint angle, knee joint angle, ankle joint angle, hip joint angular velocity, knee joint at the moment of leaving the ground Angular velocity and ankle angular velocity were significantly different from the pretest (p <.01). Conclusion: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation can stimulate muscles and activate muscle excitability during human movement. The improvement of lower limb speed is also inseparable from lower limb muscle strength. The explosive force of the human body is usually the product of speed and force. Therefore, neuromuscular electrical stimulation can provide a new training method, thereby improving training interest and quality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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