


The Study of the Relationship between Perceived Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Tennis Clubs in Taipei Area




鍾易瑋(I-Wei Chung);鄭志富(Chih-Fu Cheng)


運動俱樂部 ; 規律運動 ; 永續經營 ; sports club ; regular exercise ; sustainable operation




26期(2023 / 11 / 01)


65 - 90






Introduction: This study aims to improve service quality and customer satisfaction of tennis clubs in the Taipei Area (Taipei City and New Taipei City). It compares the differences in service quality and customer satisfaction among members from different background variables. Further, it analyzes the correlation between the service quality of tennis clubs and customer satisfaction. Methods: The subjects of this study were members of tennis clubs in Taipei who were surveyed by questionnaire. We performed descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analysis. Results: Members have an upbeat assessment of the service quality and customer satisfaction, but there is still room for improvement in the club's appearance, facilities, and marketing strategies. Members' attitudes towards the service quality of the tennis clubs vary from education level to usage frequency. As for customer satisfaction, it differs because of the usage frequency. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between service quality and customer satisfaction. It indicates that the five facets of service quality positively influence all three facets of customer satisfaction. Conclusion: The aspects of service quality can fully explain customer satisfaction. In other words, when members have higher degrees of appreciation for the service quality regarding every part of the tennis club, their level of satisfaction is also relatively higher. We hope this study's results provide suggestions for tennis clubs regarding practicality and academic research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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