Business aviation plays an important role in one nation's economic development. The countries which have the long business aviation history like U.S. and Europe, both economic output benefit from the huge contribution of business aviation industry. The Asia market which begins with a relatively late pace has also noted this trend, and starts to launch the resources in developing business aviation industry. Taiwan currently has several business aviation operators joining the market and has established one FBO. Besides, government also shows the supporting attitude in developing business aviation recently. Under this kind of circumstances, its crucial for Taiwan to seize the chance to stand out from the other Asia countries. That is, becoming a business aviation hub of benchmark in Asia-Pacific regions is an extremely urgent goal for Taiwan government and operator. In order to achieve the goal, this study uses Porter's diamond model as a core concept to analyze the competitive advantage of Taiwan business aviation industry. Furthermore, by integrating the method of PESTEL analysis and Six Forces model, this study proposes the suitable development strategies. On the hand, this study uses AHP expert questionnaire to make experts to evaluate the importance and achievability on every development strategy, thus to construct the strategy map to realize the implemented priority. The result reveals that "Government" is the most vital criteria for developing business aviation in Taiwan, followed by "Demand condition," "Chance," "Factor condition," and "Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry." In addition, the strategies that should be implemented urgently include "establish advantage on human and service resource," "exploit the international business jet and private jet market," "enlarge the business aviation land of TPE and TSA" "Encourage the airport planning project of TSA," "Spread the domestic leisure flying service of business jet," "Develop the safety system of business aviation," and "set up the legislation of business aviation."
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