
The Impact of Local Low-Cost Entrants on Full Service Carriers in Taiwan




何大任(Darren Ho);何曉偉(Hsiao-Wei Ho)


Low-cost carriers ; full service airlines ; operational and financial performance ; 低成本航空 ; 傳統航空公司 ; 航運及財務表現




4卷3期(2017 / 07 / 01)


164 - 183




Though global economic growth remains modest, the airline industry is expected to grow lucratively. Much of that growth has been driven by low-cost carriers (LCCs). Since deregulation, LCCs have successfully appealed to price-sensitive passengers, brought a paradigm shift in the air travel market, and put competitive pressure on full service carriers in North America, West Europe and, currently, Asia. The rapid growth of LCCs in Asia is shifting the airline business's center of gravity. Taiwan is one of the few countries with minimal LCC penetration. Its first two LCCswere established in late 2014as a counteractive measure for Taiwanese full service airlines (FSCs) to compete against budget carriers based elsewhere. Late market entrants usually lose the advantages over pioneers. Even so, the low-cost subsidiaries offer both opportunity and threat for their parent airlines. Thisstudy investigated whether, with the growing competition, the Taiwan-based low cost subsidiaries helped to fight the low-cost rivals as they were designed to, or undermined the operations of their parent airlines and started to eat into their parent airlines' traffic. The results showed that low-cost subsidiaries caused negative effects on the operational and financial performance of their parent airlines. It's suggested for both FSCs and LCCs to determine their specific position and adopt distinctive marketing strategies so as to survive in the highly competitive market.


雖然近年全球經濟緩慢成長,但民航事業的成長,卻是有目共睹。而大部分的民航成長來自於低成本航空公司(簡稱低成本航空)的趨動。自從1978 年美國天空解禁以來,低成本航空成功的吸引了許多以票價為主要考量的旅客,為不論是北美、歐洲或亞洲的傳統航空公司帶來了更多的競爭壓力,也啟動了飛航市場重心的轉移。台灣是亞洲少數低成本航空穿透率較低的國家。為了因應來自各國低成本航空快速的佔有市場,2014 年底分別成立了兩家國籍低成本航空公司。本項研究是透過國籍五家航空公司的航運及財務資料來研判,甫成立的兩家低成本航空是創造了飛航運作的新藍海,還是瓜分了原來母公司的航運量?研究結果發現:雖然傳統航空公司的航運量依然逐年增加,但增加率有減少的現象。兩家低成本航空都對母公司的航運及財務收益,有負面的影響。因此,建議國籍低成本航空公司或傳統航空公司,都應對自己的目標市場有更明確的定位與研究及採取有效市場策略,來獲得永續經營。

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
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