


Service Quality, Brand Extension, Electronic Word of Mouth and Customer Loyalty in Low-Cost Carriers


張有恆(Yu-Hern Chang);蕭儉顏(Kim-Ngan Sio)


低成本航空 ; 品牌延伸 ; 網路口碑 ; 忠誠度 ; Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) ; brand extension ; electronic word of mouth (eWOM) ; loyalty




4卷3期(2017 / 07 / 01)


184 - 221






Ever since Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) have risen to be common in aviation industry and affecting greatly on the market shares of Full-Service Carriers (FSCs) and leads to a result of development of subsidiaries of these already developed companies. For these traditional airlines, to guarantee their market share they set up LCCs as subsidiaries, one of the factor will explored on is customer loyalty for such LCCs. The purpose of this study is to construct a model to examine the relationship among price, brand extension, electronic word of mouth (eWOM), services quality, image and loyalty. There are six hypotheses and the structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to analyze by 383 surveys in this research. The results verify that price, brand extension and services quality influence brand image, whereas brand image influences customer loyalty. However, eWOM does not show a significant positive effect on loyalty through the mediating effect is validated. This paper propose a practical and theoretical connotations for the aviation industry and subsequent study to reference.

主题分类 工程學 > 交通運輸工程
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