


A Study of Acupuncture Therapy Joining Needling Technique's Exceptional Efficacy in Clinical Application




葉桂貞(Gui-Zhen Ye);廖炎智(Yan-Chih Liao)


針灸透穴刺法 ; 耳針透穴 ; 頭針透穴 ; 面針透穴 ; 體針透穴 ; 芒針透穴 ; 手針透穴 ; 舌針透穴 ; acupuncture joining needling technique ; auricular acupuncture joining needling ; head acupuncture joining needling ; face acupuncture joining needling ; body acupuncture joining needling ; awn (elongate) needle joining needling ; hand acupuncture joining needling ; tongue acupuncture joining needling




3卷1期(2015 / 12 / 27)


101 - 113






The earliest recorded documentation of "joining needling technique" can be found in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Cannon. Specifically, the "Magic Pivot, Using Needles" section where in the chapters "Nine Needles," "Twelve Needles," and "Five Needles" various needling techniques are described. For instance, this excerpt: "When transport point needling is applied enter straight and remove straight and insert deep for the treatment of exuberant qi with heat," which directly correlates with modern perpendicular joining needling and oblique joining needling techniques. And there is also this excerpt: "When direct subcutaneous needling is applied needle along the skin for the treatment of shallow cold qi," which directly correlates with modern transverse joining needling technique. "When waggle needling is applied along with perpendicular insertion lift the needle back and forth to soothe tension of the sinews for the treatment of impediment of the sinew" and "When needling He Gu manipulate the needle left and right like the shape of a chicken foot inserting to the seam of the flesh for treating muscle impediment." These two needling techniques describe manipulation of the needle in multiple directions, which correlates with modern multidirectional needling. The Jade Dragon Song states: "For hemilateral medial head wind pain [medial headache], use a gold needle to needle Si Zhu Kong along the undersurface of the skin directing it back to join Shuai Gu; one needle needling two acupoints, a feat seldom seen." In Yang's annotation he added many examples, such as Feng Chi joining Feng Fu or He Gu joining Lao Gong for the treatment of hemilateral medial head wind pain [medial headache], and Yin Tang joining the left and right Zan Zhu acupoints for the treatment of child fright wind. The actual term "joining needling" was coined by Dou Mo of the Jin Dynasty as he discusses in his book Guide to the Acupuncture Classics about the raising technique of joining needling; and in the Jin Dynasty Ge Hong wrote in his book Emergency Standby Remedies: "For remedying death-like reversal, nail-press Ren Zhong for a long duration and then needle from Ren Zhong to the point where the teeth begin." This clearly describes the emergency resuscitation needling method Ren Zhong joining Yin Jiao for the treatment of sudden strike (stroke). The joining needling technique has endured the ages since The Yellow Emperor's Inner Cannon, and is now a special needling technique using modern filiform needles. Joining needling technique applies either transverse and oblique shallow needling or perpendicular deep needling. The filiform needle is inserted at one acupoint through to another acupoint, enabling one needle to join two or more acupoints. The needle sensation is strong and stimulation intense, providing exceptional efficacy, quickly relieving symptoms and remedying disease. It is unquestionably one of the most effective needling techniques now in practice today.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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