


The gap between Chinese medicine and immunotherapy in cancer treatment




簡鸞瑤(Chien Luan-Yao);李政育(Lee Chen-Yu);廖炎智(Liao Yan-Chih)


免疫藥物療法與細胞療法 ; 中醫證病合辨 ; 中醫治癌 ; 針灸治療 ; immunotherapy and cell therapy ; Chinese medicine pattern differentiation ; Chinese medicine cancer treatment ; acumoxatherapy




7卷1期(2019 / 12 / 29)


33 - 58






Research into the immune checkpoints system opens up a new page in revolutionary cancer therapies. Today's Chinese medicine physicians must improve their knowledge of physiology, pathology, biotechnology and scientific research in order to understand and evolve along with these modern developments. Rooted in tradition and progressing into the future is the only way we can make the most beneficial contributions to health and quality of life. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined cancer as a controllable chronic disease. Three Nobel Prizes being awarded in physiology or medicine have also affirmed the extraordinary contributions of scientists involved in immunotherapy and cell therapy research. Increasingly impelling indications reveal that the scope of integrative Chinese and Western medicine is expanding. This paper will introduce these areas of common ground in detail, including advocating autoimmunity against disease, the focus on cell survival in the neoplastic microenvironment, and agreeing that peaceful coexistence with disease offers greater potential for superior outcomes compared to aggressive intervention. An analysis of the research results of the scientific community over the past few decades clearly shows that the emergence of immunotherapy is an inevitable outcome of human beings introspection and appeals for a holistic approach to treatment. But in Chinese medicine these concepts form the underlying foundations of our theoretical basis and therapeutic approach, with an in-depth discussion of the six channel transmutations introduced in On Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases presented to elucidate this premise. The efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors as single agents is currently only 30% to 40%, and genetically modified cell therapy is also difficult to universalize in a short period of time because of the high costs and risks. There are obviously still many challenges for integrative Chinese and Western medicine to overcome. What role should Chinese medicine have on this stage? How can we use the available resources to actualize our goals? The author further expands upon the previous paragraph to analyze the relationships involving concepts such as calm yin and sound yang and intracellular environment and On the Spleen and Stomach and intestinal flora. Moreover, results of research done by the Chinese medicine community on immune checkpoint system inhibitors and stem cells are presented in attempts to organize the similarities and differences of the Chinese medicine cancer treatment approach and immunotherapy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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