


Exploration on the Construction of Museum and Collecting in Korea since the Period of JapaneseOccupation-Based on the Museum of Li Royal Family, Korean Government House Museum and Gallery of Li Royal Family






韓國 ; 博物館 ; 美術館 ; 典藏 ; 鑑定 ; Korea ; museum ; gallery ; identification ; collection




22期(2011 / 05 / 01)


141 - 166






The construction of modern museums in Korea can be traced back to the period of Japanese occupation. Therefore the establishment, collecting and identification procedure in museums were dominated by Japanese empire at that time.From the viewpoint of the present most researchers who explore museums in the period of Japanese occupation in Korea have been keen to focus on the formation and the history of museums, particularly on the imperialism and ideology of colonialism. It is concerned that collecting activities in museums were conducted by a small number of Japanese according to rumor, personal interest and subjective judgment due to the lack of Korean experts then. Therefore many mistakes occurred frequently in the procedure of collecting and identification.The reason why the topic of identification in museum arouses researcher's interest is that most of collections have not been precisely carried out by expertise after the collections of museums were transferred to the National Museum of Korea since Korean recovery in 1945. Although a lot of collection in museums so far can not secure their identity in Korean history, papers concerning collecting procedure and identification in Korean museums are significantly rare.Researcher firstly discusses the formation and development of Korean museums in the background of Japanese occupation and then explores the procedure of collecting and identification in museums.There are many museums set up in Korea in the modern times. Those Museums of Li Royal Family, Korean Government House Museum and attached museums of the Korean Government House Museum and Gallery of Li Royal Family incorporated into National Museum of Korea are highly concerned.The collection of National Museum of Korea shows its great influence on the development of culture and fine arts and is regarded as a standard in terms of its position and abundant collection. Researcher therefore attempts to focus on the Museum of Li Royal Family, Korean Government House Museum and Gallery of Li Royal Family to explore the museum formation and collecting ways in museums. Furthermore researcher attempts to explore the significant necessity for the systematic and full-scale collection identification in museums in Korea.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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