


A Study on Subject Honorific Pre-final ending '-si-' in Korean Education: Normalization and Denormalization






韓語敬語法 ; 主體敬語法 ; 先語末語尾-시- ; Korean honorifics ; subject honorification ; subject honorific pre-final ending ; '-si-'




23期(2012 / 06 / 01)


83 - 105




韓語教育中主體敬語法之-시-的用法是指話者針對話中的主語表現出的尊敬,在學校用標準文法的說明中,此文法規則被規範得相當嚴格,可以說是幾乎是沒有例外。若是出現例外,通常是出現在雙重主語文中,並且標準文法的說明是以小主語尊敬型態去間接表現出對大主語的尊敬,形成所謂的間接主語尊對,因此還是在-시-用法的規範性範疇內。然而,對於學習韓語的外國人來說,那些在實際生活中常常會使用到,跳脫文法框架,所謂非規範性-시-的用法是相當困難的一部分。本論文將仔細探討以文法及社會語言學為重點,以找出一個能夠說明此文法的框架。研究論文的過程中,最終發現-시-的非規範性是和其隨意性是息息相關的,而這也和個人認知的主觀化問題有關。簡單來說,不管是否為主語或主體,話者是透過自己的認知來決定要不要使用-시-來尊敬對方。現代社會以利益為主軸,話者帶有一定要尊敬聽者的意識,並自然而然地出現的普遍現象,便是在所有敘述語中都加上-시-,甚至是以事物為主語的句子也非得加上-시-來使用,似乎如此才能安心。此處主語非人物而為事物,卻仍舊使用-시-的現象也可以說明是因-시-的隨意性而衍生出的問題。即,話者的尊敬視點(point of view)是放在包含聽者的所有整體狀況,將整個狀況視為一整個主體而賦予尊敬的意義。因此其隨意性是可以解釋爲-시-用法的擴大使用,看似非文法框架的非規範性-시-的用法應當解釋為-시-的補充說明. 另外,本論文也探討了以規範性問題為脈絡來研究的-시-限制用法及新世代的-시-脫落現象。


Teaching Korean as a foreign language mostly adopts school grammar contents including honorific system, and subject honorific pre-final ending '-si-' to a predicate is explained to represent respectfulness to the animate subject which works on rather strict normalized form. There are, however, some exceptions such as double subject construction sentences. The semantic analysis suggests that it can be explained in the normalized context of subject honorification, indicating that the first animate noun marked by subject particle can be indirectly respected via inserting '-si-' to a predicate following the second inanimate noun. In all usages of '-si-' the most difficult part for Korean language learners who are in general familiar with school grammar is about examples of varying denormalized grammaticality of '-si-' in daily life situation. This study attempts to find an explanatory framework for those seemingly nongrammatical usages of '-si-', going deep into socio-linguistic studies as well as grammar-oriented ones. After all it is confirmed that denormalized use of '-si-' has something to do with the speaker's personal perception or viewpoint, that is, sujectivization of respectfulness. In brief, '-si-' is not grammatically oriented, but rather it tends to go with the speaker's arbitrary nature in intention of respectfulness. As for the misuse or the overuse of '-si-' regardless of grammaticality, that is, denormalization in using '-si-' to animate subject or inanimate subject, it is very much related to the today's commercial interests-oriented society where the speaker feel compelled to show unconditional respect to the hearer, and that this kind of intention or attitude to the hearer seems to extend to the whole situation including the hearer. Seemingly denormalized use of '-si-' can be explained as extened function of honorifics, and it is suggested that this kind of of scope extension of '-si-' be added as a supplementary explanations in the context and category of subject honorific system. Besides, explanations concerning restricted use of '-si-' including new generation's nonuse trend of '-si-' will provide helpful tips for Korean language learners.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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