


A Study on Traditional Archetypal Identity Inherent in Korean Pop Culture Contents: Shamanistic Traits


扈貞煥(Jung-Hwan Ho)


韓國大眾文化創意產業 ; 韓流 ; 韓國傳統文化固有性 ; 韓國巫俗 ; Korean pop cultural contents ; Korean Wave ; Archetypal Identity of Korean Pop Culture ; Shamanism in Korea




24期(2013 / 06 / 01)


157 - 173




本論文主題在於探討以韓流為代表的韓國大眾文化創意產業內在的韓國傳統文化本來的真正面貌,以及韓國大眾文化產業如何一方面與他國文化做區隔,一方面能有價值地傳播、並持續擴散至全世界的可能性。韓國大眾文化創意產業中所發現的韓國傳統文化的固有性,在其內容與形式中都強烈包含著韓國式的情緒,因此才與其他國家和民族產生了差異性、造就了其文化創意發展的泉源。為解讀韓國大眾文化的原型,本研究聚焦在韓國巫俗根源的神明性上,欲闡述神明性內在的審美機制(mechanism for aesthetic experience),也就是所謂的對象產生美感的過程。韓國文化中過去所潛在的巫俗特性,在90年代中期之後,一方面形成了脫離左右翼政治理念對立壓制的文化環境,一方面也能解讀為在強調越軌慾望的大眾文化的這個部分當中,韓國傳統文化的原型之神明性開始呈現被更加強化的情形。韓國大眾文化創意產業之所以能獲得全球化的成功,是有必要透過韓國文化這樣的固有性所呈現的韓國文化本來的真正面貌,也就是其審美機制來做具體的說明。


The main theme of this paper is to shed light on the archetypal idendity, that is, uniqueness of Korean pop cultural contents, focusing on explaining its unique trend, called as 'Korean Wave' in Asia. Archetypal Identity of Korean pop cultural contents, a driving force behind Korean Wave, can be traceable to shamanism. The shamanism influence in modern Korea is not referring to practicing religion, but rather it is about how strongly shamanistic traits are ingrained as cultural DNA. Shamanistic traits in Korean culture differ a lot from those of other nations including its culture and people. It serves as a natural souce for creativeness in Korean pop cultural contents. Shamnistic traits have been passed from generation to generation in various forms of Korean culture. Many experts believe that Korean culture basically takes deep root in shamanism, which had its earliest beginning of ancient Korea. It had been suppressed centuries, but shamanistic traits remain dormant as subconscious. Shamanistic traits demonstrated again its creative power in pop culture during the mid-1990s as the nation was freed from military dictatorship and ideological conflicts of north and south. At that time pop culture was a channel for people to vent their passion for aberration from their day-to-day life. This paper also focuses on explaining how the mechanism for aesthetic experience operates in shamanistic traits, making Korean Wave sustainable for this long period. The driving force of shamnistic traits behind Korean Wave can be summed up in two mechanisms: catharsis or purgation and play instinct.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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