'So called ”modality”, means the opinions and attitudes that speakers have toward the subject, usually it can be categorized into various meanings, such as possibility, probability, inevitability, obligation, intention, wish, suspicion, ratiocination, evaluation. This research mainly focuses on speculate modality, it is the attitude and judgments coming from the speakers due to suspicion and uncertainty of the truthfulness of the subject. There are 16 kinds of sentence patterns in the use of speculation in Korea n; however, not all of them is used extensively, some of them never even app eared in teaching material. Therefore ”겠、ㄹ 것이다、ㄹ 것 같다、ㄹ 모양 이다、는가/나 보다” are used most frequently in the article, these five kinds of sentences are also easily confused by the learners, they can be found correspondingly with speculation modality in Mandarin; they are ”as if, maybe, likely, perhaps, ought to”. This article primarily focus on content analysis and research, research materials are usually reference from three grammar books which are used frequently and teaching material published by universities in Korea, use comparison of the meaning of words as starting point, below are the correspondents of the speculation modality between Mandarin and Korean which are based on 167 valid questionnaires as well as the confusion of the five speculation modalities to learners of Taiwan and Korea. -ㄹ 것 같다: 好像、可能、應該(as if, likely, ought to) -ㄹ 모양이다: 好像as if -는가/나 보다: 好像、大概、可能 -ㄹ 것이다: 應該(會)、可能 -겠-: 應該
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