


Fuzzy AHP for Selection among Travel Agencies in the Undertaking of Elementary School Outdoor Educational Activities




陳璋玲(Chung-Ling Chen);鄭斐文(Fei-Wen Cheng)


戶外教學 ; 旅行社 ; 模糊層級分析法 ; Outdoor education ; travel agency ; Fuzzy AHP




2卷1期(2008 / 05 / 01)


133 - 162






Outdoor education is one way of learning, which provides opportunities for students to learn knowledge outside the classroom. Most of Taiwan's elementary schools hold one or two outdoor educational activities every year and most of these activities are organized by travel agencies. The selection of a ”proper” travel agency would improve the quality of outdoor education. However, it is found that no matter for the concerned schools or in the relevant literature, there is a lack of evaluation criteria and evaluation methods in the selection. Thus, the purpose of this study was to build an evaluation model applied on the selection of travel agencies. First, the study elicited a series of key evaluation criteria from the literature and teachers, and used factor analysis to divide these criteria into four evaluation dimensions. Then, by using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) the study built an evaluation model and calculated the weight of each criterion. The result showed that 'safety' was the main evaluation dimension that teachers concerned the most, and among the 15 evaluation criteria, 'safety of transportation,' 'quick response to customers in dealing with problems,' 'compliance with the school's requirements,' 'experience of tours guides and bus drivers,' and 'tour schedule' were the most valued. The evaluation model provided an important reference for elementary schools in the selection of travel agencies.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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