


A Study on Relationships between Tour Manager Orientation Training Program and Self-estimation of Pre-occupational Tour Manager




王仁俊(Ren-Jun Wang);劉仁民(Jen-Min Liu);戴揚飛(Yang-Fei Tai);王宗彥(Tsung-Yen Wang)


職前領隊 ; 自我評價 ; 領隊職前訓練 ; pre-occupational tour manager ; self-estimation ; tour manager orientation training program




4卷1期(2010 / 05 / 01)


39 - 73






The process of developing qualified tour managers (TM) can be classified into 4 stages, of education, examination, training and recruitment. Pre-occupational training is considered as the essential stage while developing the relative domain knowledge and job confidence. Thus, the purpose of this research is to explore the relationships between the course designs for TM pre-occupation training program and self-evaluation amongst initial TMs. 678 questionnaires were distributed (638 qualified samples) to the TMs passed the Junior Professional and Technical Examination for TMs. The questionnaire is focused on the self-confidence evaluation of TM in the respects of manpower quality, job enthusiasm, preparation for pre-occupation, confidence, and domain knowledge. Multi-dimensional stepwise regression analysis is applied in the research and the findings suggest that the tour leading skills and emergency handling have the strongest correlation with the TM self-evaluated confidence. Moreover, entry and exit regulations, Taiwan histry and tourist psychology are also conducted as the explanatory variables to form the construct of self-confidence in profession. Simultaneously, emergency know-how, Taiwan geography, entry and exit regulations, travel contract also as the explanatory variables to assemble the construct of job enthusiasm. Lastly, in addition to the tour leading and emergancy handling skills, the construct of preparation for pre-occupation is also consisted of the following explanatory variables of foreign currency knowledge, Taiwan geography, travel safety, travel contract, tourism policy. Notably, different tour leader manpower qualities reveal the significant differences in the partial constructs of self-evaluated confidence. The research findings can be utilized as recommendations for the public sectors when planning and designing the TM pre-occupation training programs.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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