


A Comparison Study of Kaohsiung Film Festival and Busan International Film Festival: A Perspective of the Public-Private Partnerships




吳英偉(Ying-Wei Wu);張彥頡(Yen-Chieh Chang)


文創產業 ; 高雄電影節 ; 釜山電影節 ; 多面向協力關係 ; Cultural creative industry ; Kaohsiung Film Festival ; Busan Film Festival ; multidimensional collaboration




6卷2期(2014 / 11 / 01)


1 - 37




21世紀被喻為是一個創意與知識經濟的時代,亦象徵著文創產業成為各國發展競爭力的重要關鍵,歐洲國家的文創產業每年以超過10%的成長率高度發展,亞洲國家中的日本、韓國更是後起之秀。其中韓國釜山電影節至今,已成為亞洲地區極為重要的電影節慶活動之一。國際各大城市不約而同舉辦影展或電影節,藉著電影介紹全球不同的城市,不僅是文化交流,更擴大了城市行銷宣傳效益。台灣於民國99年通過文創法,帶動台灣邁向新的產業轉型,其中電影產業被視為推動文創發展的火車頭。與釜山條件極為相似的高雄,於民國89年舉辦高雄電影節迄今已邁入第十二屆,致力推動電影相關政策,至今年已經吸引十餘部電影在高雄市取景拍片,成效顯著。本研究著重於公私部門導向的差異,建立兩者互補互利關係而提供永續發展服務,從高雄電影節舉辦,檢視公私夥伴的協力合作關係。文中引用學者Vigoda(2002)的社會行動者間多面向協力關係理論(multidimensional collaboration)基礎,探討在電影產業中的利害關係人:政府、其他社會行動者與人民等三個角度,如何有效發展電影產業,透過文獻分析,並以韓國釜山電影節發展模式作為個案比較,分析高雄電影節與高雄電影產業未來發展的可能性。


21st century has been regarded as an era of creativity and knowledge economy, which symbolizes the cultural creative industry will turn into a nation's key competitiveness. The cultural creative industry in European countries has grown with an annual rate in excess of 10% while Japan and South Korea in Asia are becoming rising stars. In South Korea, Busan Film Festival has become one of the prominent film festivals in Asia region. Taiwan passed regulation regarding the culture creativity in 2010 and has vigorously promoted intelligence and design industries to foster Taiwan's transition to new industries. The film industry is seen as the engine for propelling cultural creative industry development. Kaohsiung, similar to Busan, enjoys unique weather condition and harbor image. With the help of cultural creative industry development, the city has devoted to developing film-related policies that foster the artistic atmosphere. Kaohsiung Film Festival has been held since 2001 and has been facing problems regarding limited attendees and film industry development. It takes more participation from relevant units and the public. This study, based on Vigoda's (2002) multidimensional collaboration, aims to discuss how film industry's stakeholders can effectively develop the film industry from the three perspectives of the government, other social actors, and the public. This study also adopts development mode of Busan Film Festival as a case study counterpart to analyze the possibility of developing Kaohsiung Film Festival and industry in the future through literature reviews.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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