
The Moderating Effect of Vivid Memory in Novelty Seeking and Revisit Intention




She-Juang Luo;Chang-Hua Yen;Ya-Fang Yang


Novelty seeking ; Vivid memory ; Revisit intention ; Tourist




7卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 53




The purpose of this study was to explore whether novelty seeking has the effect on the tourists' revisit intention, as well as whether vivid memory can bring about significant effects on their revisit intention. Survey data from 1129 inbounding tourists from Mainland China and outbounding Taiwanese tourists was recruited as subjects to conduct with a questionnaire. The results indicated that novelty seeking has a positive effect on tourists' revisit intention. A positive vivid memory of previous travel was a significant moderating effect on the decision to revisit intention. Implications of these findings as well discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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