


Exploring Motivations and Emotions for Battlefield Tourism: A Case of Kinmen




林正士(Cheng-Shih Lin);吳英偉(Ying-Wei Wu);李忠榮(Chung-Jung Li)


黑暗觀光 ; 戰地觀光 ; 旅遊動機 ; 情緒體驗 ; 金門 ; Dark Tourism ; battlefield Tourism ; travel motivation ; emotional experience ; Kinmen




7卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


93 - 140






Recently, Kinmen County Government has regenerated local tourism industry, repurposing of unused Military infrastructures into first National Park of R.O.C (Kinmen National Park, KMNP) for protecting battle heritage and history. Battlefield tourism in Kinmen represents at battlefield remains, infrastructures and monuments to attract tourists that must explode lots of visitors' motivations and produce multiple emotional experiences. This study adopts sampling survey, first, the survey members were well-trained before testing, the study selected 12 tourism spots in Kinmen to issue totally 450 questionnaires, which collected 441 questionnaires, to interview Taiwanese tourists. Abstracting the visitor's motivation, we can get 6 factors that are "Curiosity for experiencing battlefield tourism and distinctiveness", "Feel for merciless of war", "Experience of war reality and understanding history", "Empathy and hope", "Media and transportation" and "Personal nostalgia and interests". Abstracting the emotional experience, we can get 5 factors that are "Pain, shock, awe and a slight touch of sentiment", "Hatred, uneasy, misery and weird", "Pleasure, fun and relaxation", "identification, incentive, expectations and gratitude" and "Treasure, pleased and proud". The results show that tourists' have vary motivations and multiple emotions of Kinmen battlefield dark tourism.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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