


A Study of constructing the Relationships of Modern Festival Support Model: Viewpoints of the Residents




張凱智(Kai-Chih Chang)


節慶觀光 ; 節慶效益 ; 節慶認同 ; 節慶支持 ; 居民觀點 ; Festival tourism ; Festival Benefit ; Festival Identity ; Festival Support ; The viewpoints of the residents




8卷1期(2016 / 07 / 01)


151 - 191






The festival provision has become an important policy for the public sectors in tourism development. Compared to tourists’ supports, the approvals of residents are more essential to organize a successful and sustainable festival based on the perspectives of stakeholders. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to evaluate the residents’ perceptions toward the festival. Furthermore, this study aimed to develop a residents’ behavior model which include "Festival Benefit", "Festival Identity", "Festival Support "based on theory of reasoned action. A total of 299 effective questionnaires were collected from Taitung residents to "Taiwan International Balloon Festival". The empirical results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that the festival identity is influenced by "place-development benefits" and "there creation-experience benefits". Additionally, Results showed that "place-development benefits" is a stronger predictor of the festival identity compared to that of "recreation-experience benefits". In terms of the overall model, the festival identity played an important mediating role. This empirical study verified the applicability of theory of reasoned action to the investigation of the behavior of residents toward local festival. In the suggestions, it is important to consider the residents’ perception and though in achieving the sustainable goal of festival tourism development by providing the festival tourism policies which could strengthen festival support and identity of residents.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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