


Examining the Relationships of Aboriginal Destination Attractiveness, Place Attachment and Behavior Intention: A Case Study of Bunun Leisure Farm, Taitung




江昱仁(Yu-Jen Chiang);楊蓓涵(Pei-Han Yang);邱聖光(Sheng-Guang Chiou)


目的地吸引力 ; 地方依附 ; 行為意圖 ; destination attractiveness ; place attachment ; behavior intention




9卷1期(2017 / 07 / 01)


155 - 193






The study examines a behavioral model using latent variables of destination attractiveness (comprised of core and augmented attractiveness), place attachment(comprised of place dependence and place identity) and behavior intention among visitors in an aboriginal destination. A total of 353 effective questionnaires were collected from the well-known Bunun Leisure Farm, Taitung. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were analyzed using Amos18 for Windows. The empirical results indicate that visitors’ place dependence, place identity and behavior intention are affected by both core and augmented attractiveness. Furthermore, results show that core attractiveness is a stronger predictor of place dependence, place identity and behavior intention compared with augmented attractiveness. In the indirect effect, both core and augmented attractiveness exerts a positive influence on behavioral intention through place dependence. Practical implications and recommendations for further studies are also provided in this study.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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