


A Study for Relations between Leisure Involvement, Job Burnout and Psycho-Physio Health for Occupational Bus Drivers




陳建科(Chien-Ko Chen);巫昌陽(Chang-Yang Wu);吳崇旗(Chung-Chi Wu)


職業大客車駕駛員 ; 休閒涉入 ; 工作倦怠 ; 身心健康 ; Occupational bus drivers ; leisure involvement ; job burnout ; psycho- physio health




10卷1期(2018 / 07 / 01)


103 - 135






The purpose of this research was to understand the current state of occupational bus drivers, in terms of leisure involvement, job burnout and psycho-physio health, thus carrying out further discussion on the relations between these variables. Research participants comprise of occupational bus drivers of a certain bus company in the southern Taiwan. Employing the method of quantitative analysis, questionnaire survey was carried out based on census. A total of 354 questionnaires were issued and a total of 300 questionnaires received, response rate was 84.7%. Descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation and Stepwise multiple regression were employed to examine the relations between leisure involvement, job burnout and psycho-physio health of the occupational bus drivers. According to the results, there was negative relationship between leisure involvement and job burnout; positive relationship between leisure involvement and psycho-physio health; negative relationship between job burnout and psycho-physio health. Leisure involvement and job burnout could effectively predict psycho-physio health. In Conclusion, it was recommended that entrepreneurs promote the use of leisure involvement to manage and regulate the psycho-physio health of drivers, so as to assist drivers in enhancing work involvement, as well as to maintain good service quality and attitude. It was further hoped that entrepreneurs and occupational bus drivers could place emphasis on leisure involvement, and used this as a basis for promoting psycho-physio health.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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