The economic strength of mainland China is increasing day by day, and the political and economic influence of the international community is considerable. In the face of various conflicts and challenges, mainland China will use all resources to defend its recognized interests. The tourism economy is a strategy that can be used properly in mainland China. Tourists in mainland China are regarded as economic weapons by the Chinese mainland. Mainland China regards the high economic benefits that domestic tourists can visit abroad as a bargaining chip for negotiations with other countries. It can be given or not, depending on the decision-making needs of mainland China. In the case of South Korea's tourism predicament faced by regional conflicts and the recent tourism dilemma arising from cross-strait ideology, it can be clearly observed how mainland China uses tourists as a tourist tourism economic weapon. Create a competitive advantage. Finally, this paper provides suggestions that tourism in South Korea and Taiwan should not rely on a single tourism market, but actively develop emerging markets so that their tourism market can be as close as possible to tourists from diversified markets.
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