


Graduation is employment? The relationship between interns' proactive personality and employability in the tourism and hospitality industry: Roles of mediating and moderating effects






主動性人格 ; 實習 ; 就業力 ; 自我效能 ; 觀旅產業 ; Proactive Personality ; Internship ; Employability ; Self-Efficacy ; Tourism and Hospitality Industry




11卷1期(2020 / 04 / 01)


1 - 43




本研究主要探討臺灣觀旅產業實習生的主動性人格特質與就業力間之關係,並利用實習成效做為中介變項,以驗證實習成效在主動性人格特質與就業力間之中介效果,並探討自我效能在實習成效與就業力間的調節作用。本研究以紙本問卷調查方式,針對大學觀光休閒餐旅相關學系已實習之學生採便利抽樣進行填答,共發放312份問卷。又為了避免造成共同方法變異,採兩階段資料蒐集,配對有效問卷共計217份。本研究採用SPSS進行描述性統計分析、相關分析、簡單迴歸分析以及複迴歸分析,並以結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)統計分析軟體AMOS進行驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)以及模型檢測(Model Fit)。研究發現觀旅產業實習生的實習成效對主動性人格特質與就業力具部分中介效果;然而,觀旅產業實習生的自我效能在實習成效與就業力間不具調節作用。文末對於研究意涵多有著墨。


This research mainly discusses the relationship between interns' proactive personality and the employability in the tourism and hospitality industry in Taiwan. The mediating effect of the internship effectiveness between proactive personality and employability was examined. In addition to that, the moderating effect of self-efficacy between internship effectiveness and employability was explored in the study. A total of 312 copies of survey questionnaires were distributed to tourism and hospitality university students who have completed their internship. To avoid common method variance, and a convenient sample of 217 completed and paired responses has been collected. This study adopted SPSS for descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, simple regression and multiple regression analysis. In addition, the structural equation modeling by AMOS was also utilized for confirmatory factor analysis and model fit. The results of hypotheses found that the internship effectiveness has a partially mediating effect between proactive personality and employability. Surprisingly, self-efficacy does not play a moderating role between internship effectiveness and employability. More discussions were stated at the end of the papers.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
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