In recent years, festivals have become an important type of tourist activity that attracts tourists in many areas, for Taiwan, the Lantern Festival is one of the activities that attracts the highest number of tourists and generates the highest overall economic benefits among related festivals, this research takes Nantou Jiji Lantern Festival as the main research scope and location, the survey includes two parts: the characteristics of visitors and the impact of climate on the number of tourists. The results of the research show that the application of the area method, integrate GIS and time-division surveys, it can effectively estimate the difference in the distribution of visitors at different time points and different regions during the event; temperature has a significant positive effect on the number of visitors, when the temperature is higher, the people's willingness to travel is relatively high, from the perspective of service quality improvement, Lantern festival organizers can respond to expected temperature changes, provide notice to potential visitors including temperature forecast, provide free cold-proof items, hot drinks, hot food and other methods at the lantern festival site to improve the quality of public experience and overall satisfaction.
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