


The Study of the Moderating Effect of Extraversion Personality on the Relationships between Surface Acting and Job Satisfaction in Public Sector




表層演出 ; 情緒勞動 ; 外向性 ; 負向情緒 ; 工作滿意 ; Surface acting ; emotional labor ; extraversion personality ; negative affect ; job satisfaction




40期(2018 / 07 / 01)


133 - 152




表層演出(surface acting)係情緒勞動(emotional labor)之重要策略,第一線公務員面對行政主管及民眾要求,常會有表面應付行為,即是表層演出行為。這種表層演出行為,固然對於公共管理是不利的,值得深入探究。此外,本研究亦探討表層演出和工作滿意的關係,是否受到外向性人格調節影響。本文蒐集有效樣本912份,使用驗證式因素分析及因果模式分析,驗證所設立的假設。研究結果證實,負向情緒、表層演出負向影響工作滿意認知;正向情緒正向影響工作滿意認知;外向性調節表層演出和工作滿意間的關係;而負向情緒也部分中介表層演出和工作滿意間的關係。


Surface acting was considered to be an important strategy of emotional labor. The frontline civil servants may adopt the strategy of surface acting to cope with the requirements from administrative supervisors and the public in public sector. Surface acting was also considered to be detrimental to public administration, and that is why it is worth exploring in this study. In addition, the present study also investigated the moderating effect of extraversion personality on the relationship between surface acting and job satisfaction. This paper collected 912 valid samples from frontline civil servants in Taiwan, and used confirmatory factor analysis and causal model analysis to test those hypotheses established. The results confirmed that: negative affect and surface acting negatively influenced job satisfaction; positive affect positively influenced job satisfaction; extraversion personality moderated the relationship between surface acting and job satisfaction; and negative affect partially mediated the relationship between surface acting and job satisfaction.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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