
從Joachim Burmeister的音樂修辭學(Musikalische Rhetorik)理論談巴洛克時期的音樂理解


Musical Comprehension of the Baroque Period from Joachim Burmeister's Theory of Music Rhetoric




王美珠(Mei-Chu Wang);陳亞群(Ya-Chun Chen)


Joachim Burmeister ; 音樂修辭學 ; 音型學說 ; 修辭學 ; Joachim Burmeister ; Theory of Musical Figures Figurenlehre ; Theory of Rhetoric of Music Musikalische Rhetorik ; Rhetoric




3期(2005 / 12 / 01)


21 - 40




溯源自古希臘時期的修辭學(Rhetorik)觀念,牽動並影響著整個巴洛克時期的情緒論(Affektenlehre)音樂理解。在音型學說(Figurenlehre)的理論於十七、八世紀系統性地被建構完成前,已經有許多作曲家大幅度以音樂的修辭音型(musikalisch-rhetorische Figuren)創作,如十五、六世紀的G. Dufay (1397-1474)與O. di Lasso (1530/32-1594)等。到了巴洛克時期,音樂修辭學的創作理論,更成爲作曲家創作的重要依憑,其中之一就是本文要探討的J. Burmeister音樂修辭學之理論。在概述音樂修辭學的歷史背景與溯源後,本文的主要內容在於探討Burmeister的音樂修辭學理論如何憑藉著特定音型的創作,表現可憐、害怕、悲傷與快樂等情緒。除此之外,理論家們如何嘗試從各種不同面向論述、定義、描繪與區分各種表達不同情緒的音型,以建構相關理論的做法,也會在本文中有所著墨。


The concept of rhetoric, which originated from the ancient Greek, influenced the musical comprehension of affection in the Baroque period. Long before 'theory of musical figures' (Figurenlehre) had been systematically established in the 17th and 18th century, there were many composers who had used 'Musical figures of rhetoric' (musikalisch-rhetorische Figuren) to compose. For example: G. Dufay (1397-1474) and O. di Lasso(1530/32-1594) in the 15th and 16th century. Not until Baroque period, had the theory of 'rhetoric of music' (Musikalische Rhetorik) become the important basis to compose. One of these theories is J. Burmeister's theory of 'rhetoric of music' which will be discussed in the article.After summarizing the historical background and sources of the theories of 'rhetoric of music', the main points of this article is mainly to discuss Burmeister's theory of 'rhetoric of music' and how to express the emotion of poor, fear, sadness and happiness by using certain peculiar figures. Besides, this discussion will also point out how theorists in different aspects expounded, defined, depicted and distinguished these figures, which expressed different emotions, to establish related theories.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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