


A Study of Manufacture and Performance of Nanguan Ai-a


黃瑤慧(Yao-Hui Huang)


南管 ; 噯子 ; 噯子指 ; Nanguan ; Ai-á ; Ai-á Tsuin




18期(2013 / 07 / 01)


29 - 52






Nanguan Ai-á is a double-reed Sona, used in Nanguan music's Tsuínn Sip-im performance style. It is also used in Liyuan Opera, Gaojia Opera, and other operas, as well as in Daoist and Buddhist ceremonies. This article is mostly concerned with the performance of Nanguan music.Players of Nanguan think the Ai-á is hard to learn yet also easier to play than the Dong-siao. My interest in doing this study comes from this contradiction and my observation that there are very few people who perform using this instrument. In this essay, I try to realize the technique of making Nanguan Ai-á, on the other hand, I use my personal experience of the obstacles and challenges of practicing this instrument to explore this topic further.When Ai-á is performed, it is not necessary to play at high volume or to circular breathe. The sound must be smooth and soft. And the performer should add Sai-nai-khuî at appropriate time to make the music smooth. Through my learning experience, I realized ”Ai-á is hard to learn” is In-á (引子) is hard to be maintained and controlled when playing. Performers don't need strong and long breathe to play Ai-á, and the technique is easier, than Sona, so generally speaking, Ai-á is easier to play than the Dong-siao.Learners can refer to the discussion in the essay. with which I expect to decrease people's fear of learning Ai-á, and I wish more people are willing to learn it.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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