


A Cultural Preservation of Bunun Instrumental "Tutul"-A Research Paper About the Improvisational Principles of the Bunun Pestles Ensemble and Its Cultural Significance


曾毓芬(Yuh-Fen Tseng)


布農族 ; 杵音 ; 音樂即興 ; 複節奏 ; 文化意涵 ; Bunun Tribe ; Tultul ; Musical Improvisation ; Polyrhythm ; Cultural ; Significance




20期(2014 / 07 / 01)


7 - 42






The "Tutul" or Pestles Ensemble from Bunun was derived from an archaic ethnic culture of millet farmers. Ancient musical traditions are disappearing among tribes at a breakneck pace. Compared to the case of polyphonic singing, Bunun Pestles Ensemble music preservation can best be described as dismal or nearly non existent. In view of this, I started to study and collect the music traditions of the Bunun Pestles Ensemble for preservation. This research is about how the music is performed and created. The investigations were conducted within the only two remaining tribes, Naifubu and Tamalung. In this research project I explored the process and method of Pestles Ensemble employing the technique of "participant observation." Moreover through fieldwork and interviews, I recorded, analyzed and interpreted the performance principles related to cultural preservation and social functions of the Bunun Pestles Ensemble. The content of this article focuses on the performance practices of the Bunun Pestles Ensemble. Approaching the topic of musical improvisation, I analyzed the data collected through fieldwork and categorized the basic elements and principles covert within performance practices concerning the Bunun Pestles Ensemble. I expanded the topic beyond musical aspects by deeply exploring and interpreting the cultural significances of "Tutul." It was my goal to depict the traditional cultural image of "tutul" and endow its contemporary importance in regards to preservation and transmission. The article includes the following topics: 1) a literature review of "tutul"; 2) data analysis (methods of operation and principles of the Bunun Pestles Ensemble); 3) data interpretation (a cultural orientation of "Tutul" from ancient to modern times within Bunun society); and 4) conclusion ("Passing Down the Torch", concerning the preservation and transmission of the Bunun "Tutul").

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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