


Exploring the Functions and Operations of Instruments and Music in the Feudal System Through Reading the Rites of Zhou - "Offices of Summer" (Xiaguan)


王婉娟(WANG, Wan-Chuan)


《周禮》 ; 〈夏官〉 ; 周朝樂器 ; 禮樂制度 ; 封建等差 ; The Rites of Zhou ; Offices of Summer ; Musical Instruments of Zhou ; Li-Yue System ; Feudal Hierarchy




25期(2017 / 02 / 01)


1 - 31






The Rites of Zhou is an instrumental work for studying the Zhou Dynasty's cultural structure and an essential literature for understanding how the feudal society functioned during the Zhou Dynasty in ancient China. This work also includes illustrations about different types of musical activities and performances at that time. The Rites of Zhou was discovered during the Han Dynasty, and music researchers since then have been using this text and others to comprehend the music of the Zhou Dynasty. However, few scholars have looked at the meaning of music from that era from a cultural perspective, or deeply developed the cultural significance behind music by discussing issues such as the roles and symbols of instruments or the functions and actions of music. Apart from gaining the appreciation of musical elements, the focus of the studies of The Rites of Zhou should include the political system, social norms and working guidelines for the officials of that time. Only by taking such a comprehensive point of view will allow the grasping of the role and purpose of music of that time through literature. This essay focus on the chapter regarding the army entitled "The Offices of Summer." By using the methods mentioned above, the author discusses the methodologies, guidelines and meanings of music when performed by members of the army. This research also carries out analyses on the purpose of instruments, the functions of music, and the hierarchy of musical forms for the "Offices of Summer." By basing the study on musicology, historiography, Confucianism, and archaeomusicology, the author examines how instruments, music and musical personnel operated in a feudal society and attempts to explain the cultural spirit and significance behind the Zhou Dynasty's establishment of the Li-Yue System (Systems of Rites and Music).

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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