This study attempts to portray the tradition related with the Ethiopian New Year, ənqut'at'as [□□□□□□], by giving particular attention to the Amhara community of central and northern Ethiopia. In the first part of the article the term ənqut'at'as will be discussed from etymological, religious, social, cultural, ritualistic, gender-related and musical viewpoints. The traditional song entitled abäbaye hoy [□□□□□□ = 'My Flower'] has been selected for an in-depth analysis. Abäbaye hoy is a well-known girls' song, which is inseparably associated with the Amhara New Year ceremonies. For ənqut'at'as, girls assemble themselves in groups and go from door to door to perform abäbaye hoy. The musical and lyrical features of this song will be deliberated in the analytic section. The paper will finally be wrapped up with a conclusion comprising the main subject matters. Participatory observations and self-reflections constitute the basis of the examination. As a member of the Amhara community, I grew up sharing its social, cultural and religious values as well as the mentality so that my inquiry is based on my personal viewpoint. My arguments furthermore focus on sound recordings collected during fieldworks conducted between the years 2005 and 2016. The materials not only take account of the abäbaye hoy song sung by young girls but also as solo renditions. The interviews I was able to conduct with friends, acquaintances, family members, relatives and in particular with community elders and priests of the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahədo Church, have immensely shaped this study. Apart from recorded interviews unrecorded conversations/communications carried out in Addis Ababa, Mäqälle, Gondär and Berlin at different times have served as supplementary information as well. The music notations which are represented in figures 11 - 16 attempt to give an insight into the abäbaye hoy song and its social, cultural and religious meaning.
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