Since the early 20th century, music has been liberated from the logic of tonality, and binary opposition has played a leading role in many composer's works. In the 21th century, a young American woman composer Hannah Lash whose music is widely performed, gains reputation worldwide. She has designed some of her compositions through the binary oppositional concept. This paper explores how this concept works in her string quartet Frayed (2009) for expressing the meaning of the title. In the composition, textures and dynamics are significantly used in emphasizing the conflict between different periods in the music structure. Lash fuses her own musical language with compositional idioms of Baroque period and 20th century, creating uniqueness stylist contrasts. Moreover, through various musical gestures, Lash successfully experiments some interesting ideas to introduce musical oppositions, such as the inhalation and exhalation binary, the long and short contrast in phrase, the arching and pizzicato in timbre and various contrasts in rhythms and pitches. In this quartet, all musical oppositions are created to refer the meaning of "frayed", so that Lash communicated her composing ideas to listeners in a direct and accessible way.
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