本文研究聚焦於作曲家理查.史特勞斯(Richard Strauss, 1864-1949)歌劇作品《納克索斯島上的阿麗雅德妮》(Ariadne auf Naxos)中角色薺別妮塔(Zerbinetta),從認識作品的生成脈絡與時代背景,進而理解劇作家霍夫曼斯塔(Hugo von Hofmannsthal, 1874-1929)作品的戲劇架構與角色型塑,最後分析作曲家如何在音樂上立體化劇中角色。霍夫曼斯塔與史特勞斯這組黃金搭檔,在劇中運用喜劇的素材來對話深刻甚至嚴肅的議題,諷刺與對比的力道強韌卻也柔軟。在劇中,個性鮮明的次女主角薺別妮塔與女主角阿麗雅德妮(Ariadne)被劇作家並置舞台上,真切地就愛情中的忠誠與轉化之生命價值進行了赤裸的對話。本研究試圖從音樂分析與戲劇形構的角度,以忠誠於自己主體性的薺別妮塔角色為中心,對比忠誠於愛情的阿麗雅德妮,探討本歌劇中對於「忠誠」價值的辯證,以及兩位角色如何呈現出各自的實踐。
Through analyzing the construction of Adriadne auf Naxos, we could have a deeper understanding of the dramaturgical structure and character developments of the playwright Hugo von Hofmannsthal, and then perceive how Richard Strauss embodied the characters in the play from the musical perspectives. Hofmannsthal and Strauss, working as paired partners. utilized the comedic elements in the play to generate conversations on intricate and serious issues with both strong and gentle ironic powers. In the drama, the secondary female character Zerbinetta is set onstage in juxtaposition with the lead female character Ariadne, both having a sincere dialogue with the notion of fidelity and transformation. Through musical analysis and dramaturgical contextualization, it was to explore the dialectics of the idea "fidelity" in the opera, focusing primarily on Zerbinetta who demonstrates fidelity to her own subjectivity, with Ariadne on the contrary, who demonstrates fidelity to her romantic love, and to discover how fidelity is put into action on both characters.
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