


Paul Hindemith's Two Mathis der Maler: A Study on the Connection between the Political Environment and the Music of Germany in the 1930s


林丰弈(LIN, Feng-Yi)


保羅.亨德密特 ; 馬蒂斯.格呂內瓦爾德 ; 《畫家馬蒂斯》 ; 音樂與政治 ; Paul Hindemith ; Mathis Grünewald ; Mathis der Maler ; Music and Politics




32期(2020 / 07 / 01)


49 - 80




本文針對保羅.亨德密特(Paul Hindemith, 1895-1963)同名交響曲與歌劇《畫家馬蒂斯》(Mathis der Maler),探討亨德密特的音樂構思與相關政治議題。由於亨德密特《畫家馬蒂斯》取材自真實歷史人物與作品,以文藝復興時期的畫家馬蒂斯.格呂內瓦爾德(Mathis Grünewald, 1471-1528)繪製的《伊森海姆祭壇畫》(Isenheim Altarpiece)為主題發想,本文試圖以《畫家馬蒂斯》掀起的政治波瀾與內部劇情,探討此作品與對納粹德國有何種程度的連結,並探討此連結是否改變作曲家創作時的內在想法。同時也試圖看亨德密特對同樣身為藝術家的格呂內瓦爾德賦予何種社會責任或解讀,並解析亨德密特是否將自身的思想投射於其音樂作品。


This essay discusses the musical conception under Mathis der Maler, both symphony and opera of the same title which composed by Paul Hindemith (1895-1963) and tries to reveal certain political issues through these two musical compositions. Since Mathis der Maler was actually based on real historical figures and art works Isenheim Altarpiece which was created by the Renaissance painter Mathis Grünewald (1471-1528), this essay endeavored to analyze the interior political plot and social turmoil of Hindemith's musical results; in addition, I aimed to examine whether Hindemith was actually affected by NAZI Germany and how it would influenced on his music. Furthermore, I would delve into Hindemith's words or works to see if he would have any ideas of social responsibility or of interpretation related to Grünewald, since both of them were artist, and to analyze if Hindemith's thought reflected on these two music compositions.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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