


The Role of Music in Japan in Shaping the Sports Events and City Image Through the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games


劉育恩(Liu, Yu-En)


2020東京奧運 ; 開閉幕式展演 ; 中心與邊陲 ; 日本傳統樂舞與當代再現 ; 都市意象 ; the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games ; opening and closing ceremonies ; center and periphery ; contemporary reproduction of traditional Japanese music and dance ; city images




37期(2023 / 09 / 01)


109 - 133




劉俊裕於《全球都市文化治理與文化策略:藝文節慶、賽事活動與都市文化形象》(2013)一書闡述在全球化浪潮之下,透過藝文節慶、賽事活動、都市意象,如何以文化元素重新塑形,交織於政經、社會、族群與文化之間的邊界,形成一種跨域的「繁複連結體制」(complex connectivity),以臺灣在地與全球案例,分析三者的展演實踐與互動關係;林宏璋在《後當代藝術徵候:書寫於在地之上》(2006)以大型國際展演與策展機制,論述透由策展將國家與文化的綜合體,以去疆界化(deterritorialization)與再疆界化(reterritorialization)機制,經由媒體的公共空間,再敘述藝術的在地性與當代性。本論文聚焦於國際性賽事:奧運,以開閉幕式展演的音樂符碼為分析,論述2020東京奧運及帕拉林匹克運動會(Paralympic Games)開閉幕式的核心主題「Moving Forward」、「United by Emotion」,與之發展而出的八個概念:和平(peace)、共存(coexistence)、重建(reconstruction)、未來(future)、日本與東京(Japan and Tokyo)、運動員(athletes)、參與(involvement)、激昂(excitement),運用日本傳統與當代的音樂元素接合(articulation)與對話(communication),如電玩主題曲與二次元文化、古代江戶消防的新春儀式「出初式」(出初め式)與木匠的勞動歌曲「木遣之歌」(木遣り),透過舞者的肢體語言與動作,將零散的物件拼裝成型呈現奧運五環會章、歌舞伎與爵士的跨域對話、日本與全球鏈結等,去疆界化與再疆界化的歷程,經由大型賽事開閉幕展演,展示日本的民族(ethnicity)與國族(nation)認同(identity)、國族與國族、國族與全球的對應關係,其次,微觀審視2020東京奧運開閉幕式,展演以東京市區的常民生活與少數民族如愛努族(Ainu People)音樂、爵士音樂與歌舞伎「暫」等的對話與跨界,重塑中心(center)與邊陲(periphery)、傳統(tradition)與當代(modern)的交織與再現。本篇論文將著重研究2020東京奧運為觀察,音樂展示為脈絡分析的經緯,試探從中衍伸出的文化議題,以期未來反身觀照,提供臺灣舉辦大型運動賽事表演項目創新與可行性。


Jerry Liu (2013) expounded how, under the wave of globalization, cultural festivals, events, and city image are reshaped by cultural elements, intertwining the boundaries between politics, economics, society, ethnic groups, and culture to form a "complex connectivity" across borders. Taking the cases of Taiwan and the world, he analyzed the exhibition practices and interactions between the three parties. Hongjohn Lin (2006) discussed through the curatorial mechanism of national and cultural synthesis, the localizaion and the modernity of art will be recounted through the public space of media by deterritorialization and reterritorialization. The study focuses on international events: Olympic Games. Taking the music codes of the opening and closing ceremonies as an analysis, the study discusses the core theme of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, "Moving Forward", and the eight concepts developed from it: peace, coexistence, reconstruction, future, Japan and Tokyo, athletes, involvement, excitement. First, the study use Japanese traditional and contemporary musical elements for articulation and communication, such as video game theme songs and ACG culture, the New Year' s ceremony of the ancient Edo fire department "Dezomeshiki" (出初め式) and the carpenters' labor song "Kiyari" (木遣り), through the dancers' body language and movements, the scattered objects are assembled and formed to present the Olympic rings, the interdisciplinary conversation between Kabuki and jazz, and the connection between Japan and the world. With the opening and closing performances of the event, the process of reterritorialization and deterritorialization showcases Japan' s ethnicity and national identity, the nation and the nation, and the correspondence between the nation and the world. Second, taking a microscopic view of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, it shows the dialogue and interdisciplinary between the daily life of Tokyo' s residents, minority groups such as Ainu People music, jazz and Kabuki, reshaping the interweaving and reproduction of center and periphery, tradition and modernity. The study will focus on the observation of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the analysis of the music display as the context, exploring the cultural issues derived from it, with a view to providing an innovative and feasible way to organize events in Taiwan in the futures.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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