


The ACF Model of Partnership between Rural Community and Higher Education Institution in Community Development Affairs


魯俊孟(Chun-Meng Lu);邱偉誠(Wei-Cheng Chiu)


社區營造 ; 倡導聯盟 ; 土溝社區 ; 台南藝術大學 ; Community developments ; Advocacy Coalition Framework model ; Togo Village ; Tainan National University of the Arts




1卷1期(2011 / 04 / 01)


123 - 154




台灣農業經濟在過去五十年的追求經濟成長工業化進程中,逐漸成為弱勢產業,從而導致人口外移、老化、農村沒落殘破。近年來,在有心人士的推動之下,以社區發展協會為基礎,陸續展開農村更新的行動,希望能夠重建農村經濟,給農村生活注入新的生命力。 本文以政策執行理論中的倡導聯盟為理論觀點,觀察台南縣後壁鄉土溝社區(非常典型的台灣農村)進行社區總體營造事務,以「台南藝術大學建築藝術研究所學生」及「在地社區領袖」視為兩大合作聯盟,試圖尋找出促成聯盟彼此合作之連結機制。此外,更採用深度訪談方法,探究在土溝社區營造事務中,大學是否以對等合作角色存在,亦或者為社區強烈自主意願之展現,乃是本研究之重點所在。 本研究發現土溝社區不僅具備極為充沛的自我營造能力以外,台南藝術大學在營造過程並非扮演如同一般外界所期望之學術團隊主導角色,而是轉為以社區意見為主的協助者自居;大學團隊針對社區營造各階段所提出之意見,不僅須經過農村文化營造協會同意,更需要獲取社區居民認同,也因此無論規劃面或執行面,往往產生學生團隊構想不符合社區觀感或在地居民需求等衝突。然而亦在此衝突過程中,得以逐步認識對方,並且相互建立地位認同,進而產生長期合作默契,並持續經營土溝社區營造事務。 本研究發現,農村復興的主要機制仍是以農村在地居民為主,以生命共同體的認知從事農村再生,才能真正引導農村重新創造嶄新的經濟、文化、與生活圈。


During the push for industrialization and economic growth in the past fifty-or-more years, Taiwan's agricultural sector was forced to downplay a less important drive for progress and gradually phased out of the public policy arena. As a result, most of the rural villages in Taiwan, the long-time backbone of society and home of family values, began to decay and fade away with aging problems and broken social web. Recently, the tide has been turned due to efforts contributed by local people and academic youth who care to preserve agricultural values and life styles. The Togo Village, a very typical Taiwanese agricultural village in Tainan City, exemplifies the rejuvenation and can serve as a research site for further studies in community development, public-private-partnership, and policy implementation. This research carefully examines the notorious success of the Togo Village in community developments; and the members of the Togo Village Association for Agricultural Preservation and students from Tainan National University of the Arts, their relationship, cooperation, interaction, and dynamics, by applying the Alliance Coalition Framework (ACF) in policy implementation theories. The study found that the success of any rural rejuvenation in agricultural region has to rely on local people's awareness of the value of their lifestyle and local efforts to promote self-esteem. Any outside help should be considered as a contributing factor and never a dominate influence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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