


Sexuality of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Historical Review of Literature




林純真(Chwen-Jen Lin)


智障者 ; 性議題 ; persons with intellectual disabilities ; sexuality




117期(2010 / 12 / 01)


16 - 25






As human beings, individuals with intellectual disabilities have the same needs of sexuality, intimacy and relationships as people without disabilities. However, they always learn that they are disabled before learning to perceive themselves as sexual people. The professionals know little about the sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities. Which neglect results in their sexual lives remain restricted. On the other hand, the social attitudes of asexual were internalized as their briefs.Though the relation of inter-influence between sexuality and disability is complicated, they are not mutually exclusive. How staff think and deal with the issue is affected by the factors of categories, age, gender, races or the society systems of their country. In order to explore the historical development of sexual issue of people with intellectual disabilities, the literature of social movement, human right convention, law enactment, and crucial conferences, within a century, are reviewed in the article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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