


The Applications of Zen Therapy on Enhancing Self-awareness Abilities for Persons with Mild Disabilities




張美華(Mei-Hua Chang);簡瑞良(Jui-Liang Chien)


禪治療 ; 自我覺察 ; 輕度障礙 ; zen therapy ; self-awareness ; mild disabilities




132期(2014 / 09 / 01)


17 - 25






The purpose of this article is to present applications of zen therapy for enhancing self-awareness abilities for persons with mild disabilities. This article includes three parts: first, the author defines self-awareness abilities, and demonstrates their importance. Second, the author introduces the central concepts of zen therapy. Finally, the author offers two zen therapy strategies, which can help people with disabilities gain self-awareness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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