


Counseling Services for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education from an Enabling Perspective




鄭聖敏(Sheng-Min Cheng)


大專身心障礙學生 ; 增能 ; 自我決策 ; 自我倡議 ; 領導能力 ; college students with disabilities ; self-determination ; self-advocacy ; leadership




133期(2014 / 12 / 01)


9 - 16






There are more disabled students in higher education. Higher education administrators provide counseling services according to the Implementation Directions for Counseling College Students with Disabilities. However, do these services meet the special needs of disabled students? The author analyzed the counseling services provided by higher education administrators and the adaptations furnished to the initial groups of disabled students who received counseling services. Then, the author introduced Chickering & Reisser's identity development theory. Finally, the author suggested that developing disabled students' leadership, self-advocacy and self-determination in higher education could enhance their abilities to lead themselves and others.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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