


The Effects of Integrating Tablet PCs into Phonics Instruction on English Vocabulary for Junior High School Students with Learning Disabilities




周家賢(Chia-Hsien Chou);佘永吉(Yung-Ji Sher)


字母拼讀法 ; 平板電腦 ; 學習障礙 ; 英語字彙 ; 單一受試 ; phonics instruction ; tablet PCs ; learning disabilities ; English vocabulary ; single subject research




140期(2016 / 09 / 01)


1 - 10






This study was to explore how integrating tablet PC into phonics instruction enhanced English vocabulary for junior high school students with learning disabilities. Three junior high school students with learning disabilities were recruited as subjects. In this research, tablet PCs were integrated into phonics instruction, whereas were the outcomes of students' learning of English vocabulary's listening comprehension, word decoding, and spelling. The experiment was divided into three phases, respectively: the baseline period, the treatment period, and the maintenance period. The English vocabulary's listening comprehension, word decoding, and spelling tests were developed by the researcher. All participants and their regular English teachers were interviewed to take the feedback questionnaire in order to assess their satisfaction with this intervention program. There are three major findings. First, integrating tablet PCs into phonics instruction has immediate and retained effects on students' English vocabulary listening comprehension. Secondly, integrating tablet PCs into phonics instruction has immediate and retained effects on student's English vocabulary word decoding. Finally, integrating tablet PCs into phonics instruction has immediate and retained effects on students' English vocabulary spelling. According to the findings mentioned above, suggestions were proposed for future studies and English vocabulary teaching in students with learning disabilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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