


The Implications of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Teacher Education Programs for Special Education and its Application in a Pilot Study




李翠玲(Tsuey-Ling Lee)


問題本位評量 ; 特殊教育師資培育 ; 特殊教育知能 ; PBL ; teacher education programs in special education ; special education expertise




153期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 13




問題本位學習(Problem-based Learning,簡稱PBL)已經廣泛應用在大學的課程中,且在醫學、商學、科學等領域之師生皆呈現正向的結果。本研究旨在探討PBL在特殊教育師資培育應用之可能性,透過參與中小學教育菁英專業培訓班之特教知能課程之9位主任與教師,進行初探,課程中使用PBL教學法,於課程結束後以「特殊教育知能PBL評量表」進行評量,並以百分比與平均數進行資料分析。研究發現學員對PBL之認同度皆達九成,顯示PBL在特殊教育師資培育課程之應用可行性。


Problem-based Learning (PBL) has been widely adopted in many university programs. Evaluations of PBL in medicine, business and science indicate that the positive outcomes which resulted in those three fields will also occur in education from both educators and learners. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the possibility of implementing PBL in the teacher education programs in special education. There were 9 directors and teachers participating in this program. At the end of the course, the "Special Education Expertise PBL Scale" was used for evaluation. Data were analyzed as both a percentage and average. It was found that the approval of PBL reached 90%, which showed the feasibility of PBL in the teacher education programs for special education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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