


The Unstoppable COVID-19: A Challenge and Call to Action for Online Physical Education Programs for Students with Special Needs




潘正宸(Cheng-Chen Pan);姚韋如(Andy Wei-Ru Yao)


遠距學習 ; 新冠病毒 ; 運動 ; 身心障礙 ; 全方位學習 ; remote learning ; COVID-19 ; exercise ; disability ; UDL




160期(2021 / 09 / 01)


1 - 13




臺灣2021年5月中旬,爆發新冠病毒大規模的社區傳播,臺灣各級學校關閉,教育型態轉為「停課不停學」政策的線上教學模式,本文首先說明疫情下產生的教學困境及對學生線上學習的影響,其次探討疫情下的教學反思及行動,在身體活動與體育課程的討論、適應體育遠距教學的專業發展議題;最後,本文針對特殊學生線上體育學習的需求提供四大建議:工作分析與虛擬獎勵的使用、全方位學習設計(Universal Design Learning,簡稱UDL)的線上課程設計、親職支持的重要、研究和實務的連結,希冀能在這個前所未有的不確定時期,面對疫情下,能有初步規劃和實施設計的參考。


There was a large-scale community outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan in mid-May 2021. Teaching moved online so that students could continue with their education, even though schools' physical classrooms at all levels were closed. This study first explains the challenges that this epidemic posed to teaching and its impact on students' online learning. Second, this study explores teaching during the epidemic, the physical activity and physical education curriculum, and professional development issues regarding adapted physical education to distance learning. Finally, the paper concludes with an evidence-based proposal for online physical education learning for students with special needs in the hope of providing a reference for the initial planning and implementation of such programs during this unprecedented period of uncertainty in the face of the epidemic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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