


The Significance of Core Strength Training in Body Balance for Wushu Players


彭冠瑋(Kuan-Wei Peng);林晉利(Chin-Li Lin)


核心肌力訓練 ; 武術選手 ; 身體穩定 ; Core Strength Training ; Wushu Players ; Body Stability




9期(2015 / 06 / 01)


44 - 57






When Wushu players compete in Wushu routines, they often need to practice in multi-planes and instability, such as the movements of jumping, spinning, and even landing. A movement usually ends with the beginning of another movement. The movements from static to dynamic or movements from dynamic to static require strong muscular strength and explosive power. Also, the movements require the combination of core strength, proprioception, neuromuscular control, and coordination of the body in order to increase the chances of winning Wushu competitions. Core strength training which emphasizes the integration of the neuromuscular system, multi-joint and multi-axis motions, and trunk muscle exercises is similar to the characteristics of Wushu movements. Research has shown that core strength training can not only provide the effectiveness of spinal stabilization, enhancement of athletic performance, and the improvement of explosive power but also reduce consumption of energy and prevent sports injuries. Therefore, this paper aims to present the concepts, principles and efficacy regarding core strength training through the review of literature. This paper could also be useful to physical education teachers, sport coaches, and sport instructors as a reference for planning their training programs or lessons.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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