


Sports Culture Under the Impact of Globalized Media-From the Perspective of Touraine's "Return of Actor"


李仁佐(Jen-Tso Lee);詹益欣(Yi-Hsin Chan)


社會學干涉 ; 社會行動 ; 反思性觀點 ; 運動參與 ; sociological intervention ; social action ; reflective perspective ; sports participation




9期(2015 / 06 / 01)


58 - 68




杜赫尼(Alain Touraine, 1925-)是具有全球化觀點的社會學家,總是關心世界各個角落的自由與尊嚴的社會運動。其觀點認為當代社會運動者對社會存有新的觀點見解,觸動對普世文化權的人道關懷,使當代社會運動可以進行跨地域連結,是個行動者歸來的世代。在現今傳播媒體急速發展下,身為運動參與者在面對媒體時是否有自我省思的能力,還是面對媒體文化時,只有任其擺布,成為意識形態的接收者,是應該深切反省的問題。承上,本文以《行動者的歸來》的反思性觀點,論述在面對全球化下媒體對運動文化之影響,並以參與運動文化、體驗真實價值、深化媒體素養、媒體批判性行動等面向探討反思。


Alain Touraine (1925-) is a socialist with a globalization perspective and he always pays attention to the liberal and dignified social movements around the world. He argues that the contemporary social activists/actors whose actions and new viewpoints about the world not only stimulate the humanitarian interest in the universal cultural rights, but also connect the contemporary social movements across the countries. In Touraine's words, it is a generation of "return of actor" With the rapid development of media, the issue becomes crucial that whether activists are capable of reflecting on themselves when encountering media, or just serve as passive recipients of biased ideologies. With this idea in mind, this text utilizes Touraine's idea of "return of actor" to discuss how the global media have impact on sports culture. This text also deals with the issues of participating sports culture, experiencing real values, strengthening media literacy and media's critical action.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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